
Hi! This anime blog is a personal project to cover rants, opinions, and in-depth nerd talk about anime. Actually, that last thing is what made me do most of my stuffs. Nerding around, I LOVE it. So, I thought, why don’t I make my own blog? Sounds like a neat idea.

There are several categories that I’d like to include in this blog.

First off, reviews. I love talking about the anime or the episode that I just watched. Seems to me, there are a lot of people who do the same thing. It’s fun to read what other people think about the anime that I watch. Sometimes, the more a person overthink about a certain scene in an episode, the more interesting what they put out.

Second, of course it would be tropes. I love tropes. Finding peculiar and sometimes uncannily similar patterns across anime is fun to me. Sometimes, how a character mixes and blends with their environment based on their traits really reflect how actual people react in real life.

Third, anime and motorcycles. Haha… This one actually started as a joke idea. You know, like what kind of bike this character would, or better yet, should ride. However, I might also include cars in the future. I myself also love motorcycles. Maybe, when I’m wealthy enough to go on a year-long solo tour, this blog will turn into a touring blog. Who knows?

Lastly, there are news and listicles. I won’t promise you the juiciest news. But, I just want to share some things that I saw to be interesting. Or, to put it simply, to share the hype. On the other hand, the listicles will cover some neat trivia and seiyuu.

I write whenever I can, but at least every week there will be two or three posts, at minimum. I’m still in college and in the process of finishing my long overdue thesis. Besides, I’m also a freelance writer who actively hunt for writing gigs.

I Am Also A Part Of

Other than this blog, I also write for the English section of another blog, menulis.id. I mostly put out content discussing literary works in general there. I write under my real name, Bimo. But, honestly, address me with anything you’d like here. Most people just call me “dude” anyway. Cheers!

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